At, accessible from, your privacy is one of our top priorities. The following privacy policy details the types of information we collect as well as the ways we use it.
If you have questions or require additional information about our privacy policies, please reach out to our team at. This policy only applies to online activity and is applicable to users to our website regarding the information they share or gather on This policy does not apply to information that is collected in any way offline or through sources other than this website.
When you use our website, you are agreeing to our privacy policies and accepting the terms of our policy.
Information We Collect
We will provide you with the personal information we request you to supply and the reason for this request when you are asked to provide your personal information.If you send us a direct message, we could get additional information like your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, the contents of your message, as well as any attachments you may send as well as any other details you decide to disclose.If you sign up for the account, you will need information like your name, business name address, email address, address, and telephone number.
How We Use Your Information
We use the data we collect for a variety of purposes that include:Create, manage and maintain our websiteMake it more personal, better and extend our websiteLearn and understand the way you navigate our websiteDevelop new services and products with features, functions, and other featuresContact us either directly or via one of our associates to provide information, customer service, and for promotional purposes.Send us emailsPrevent and detect fraudLog follows standard procedures for using log files. The log files track visitors whenever they visit websites. The data collected include IP addresses, browser types, Internet Service Provider (ISP), as well as date and time stamps, pages that are referred to or exited, as well as the possible number of times a user clicks. The information collected is not linked with personally identifiable data and can be used to analyse trends, monitor the website, track the activity of users, and gather demographic data.
Cookies and Web Beacons
As with many other web sites, utilizes cookies to keep track of visitors preferences as well as pages they visit. This information helps improve the user experience by modifying our content on the web based upon the browser type of visitors as well as other data.For more details about cookies, consult “What Are Cookies” from Cookie Consent.
Google DoubleClick DART Cookie
Google, as a third-party provider that is featured on our site, uses DART cookies to display advertisements based on user visits to our site as well as different websites across the Internet. Visitors can opt-out of DART cookies by going to the Google advertising and content network Privacy Policy at this link.
Advertising Partners
Our site’s advertisers may make use of cookies and web beacons, each with their own privacy policy. You can read the privacy policies for our partners in advertising below:
Third-party advertising networks or ad servers might employ technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or Web beacons in their ads and hyperlinks to They will receive your IP address on a regular basis. These are technologies used to determine the effectiveness of ads and to personalize the content you view on websites.
Please be aware that has no influence over the use of cookies by third-party advertising companies.
Third Party Privacy Policies
Our privacy policy is not applicable to any other websites or advertisers. We suggest consulting the privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information about their practices and ways you can opt-out.
Cookies can be managed through your browser’s settings. For more information on cookies, visit the appropriate websites of your browser.
CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information)
In the CCPA, California consumers have the right to:
- Find out more about the types and categories of personal information that have been gathered about them.
- Demand the cancellation of their personal data.
- Demand that their personal data are not used for marketing.
You have one month in which to address your request. To exercise your rights, we invite you to contact us.
GDPR Data Protection Rights
You are entitled to certain rights in GDPR.
- Right to Limit Processing: Request a limit on the processing of your personal data
- Rights up to Rectification: Request correction of incorrect information.
- right to erase The right to erase your personal information under certain conditions.
- right to restrict processing Restrict the processing of your personal information under specific conditions.
- Right to Oppose to Processing You can object to the treatment of personal information in certain circumstances.
- right to data Portability request the transfer of your personal data to another company as well as directly to your organization, subject to certain conditions.
We have a month to address your request. To exercise these rights, you must contact us.
Children’s Information
We prioritize protecting children online. We advise parents as well as guardians to be aware of their children’s online activities. does not collect any personally identifiable information from children who are under 13. If you believe that your child has provided such details, please let us know immediately, and we’ll try to delete the information from our database.
If you have any questions, please send us an email for inquiries at. Thanks for stopping by our page about privacy!